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Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Nigeria

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Infrastructure Rehabilitation in Nigeria

By Gyado T Emmanuel

Nigeria’s road network, a critical component of its infrastructure, has faced significant challenges in recent times. Many roads across the country are in a state of disrepair, causing inconvenience, accidents, and economic losses.

To address this issue, a comprehensive approach is needed. First, there should be an emphasis on regular maintenance to prevent roads from deteriorating further. This includes routine inspections, patching, and resurfacing.

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Additionally, there is a need for a systematic rehabilitation program targeting major highways and arterial roads. This should involve quality construction, using durable materials, and engaging skilled contractors.

Funding is a crucial aspect. Governments at various levels must allocate sufficient budgets for road maintenance and construction. Furthermore, exploring partnerships with the private sector and considering innovative financing models can help bridge the funding gap.

Quality control and supervision during construction are paramount. Independent agencies should monitor projects to ensure they meet industry standards and specifications. This will help avoid the recurrence of shoddy workmanship.

Finally, community engagement is essential. Local communities should be involved in road projects from planning to execution. This not only ensures that their needs are addressed but also promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Repairing Nigeria’s shoddy roads requires a multi-faceted approach, involving consistent maintenance, quality construction, adequate funding, rigorous oversight, and community participation. Only through such concerted efforts can Nigeria’s road network be revitalized for the benefit of all citizens.

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