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Nigeria,Celebrating Her 63rd Independence Anniversary On Low  Profile In the  Year 2023.

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Nigeria,Celebrating Her 63rd Independence Anniversary On Low  Profile In the  Year 2023.

Nigeria,Celebrating Her 63rd Independence Anniversary On Low  Profile In the  Year 2023.

63 years of the “unity in diversity” aspiration, Nigeria remains, as the late statesman, Obafemi Awolowo, remarked many years before self-rule, “a mere geographical expression.”

The late premier of the defunct Northern Region, Ahmadu Bello, agreed, insisting that the only sure road to national greatness is the one built on a strong foundation of autonomy for the diverse nationalities.

Corporate bodies places congratulatory adverts in the media only to remind everyone that they are still in business.

For most Nigerians, irrespective of social class, melancholy, anxiety over the present and future, and anger are palpable.

Nigeria, on its 63rd independence anniversary, only the political class is exhibiting a low-key celebratory mood.

Across the spectrum of national development, the country’s performance is sub-par.

It has struggled to build a strong, resilient, and stable democracy. The economic front is a classic case of mismanagement and ‘poverty in the midst of plenty.’

The imperative of federal constitutional arrangements as the guarantor of harmony, development and resilience in diverse polities has long been recognised.

The encourage  central governments to pay full attention to “primary public obligations,” and the sub-national governments to “secondary affairs.

Political scholars assert that federalism permits a great measure of regional self-rule, and “a preserver of their liberties and vehicle for flexible response to their problems.”

They motivates inter-jurisdictional competition, innovation, and development at a rapid pace.

This was evident in the First Republic.Consequently, the centralised authority deepens mistrust and hinders the ability to resolve the existential challenges facing the country decisively and to accelerate growth from the sub-national level.

Misery is pervasive, with 133 million persons trapped in multidimensional poverty, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

The World Poverty Clock ranks it second to India in the largest number of poor persons on earth.

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